Thursday, April 2, 2009
Finally Finished.....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

“THE EMPEROR’S CLUB” is an interesting story of a group of students in the history class of St. Benedict’s Academy. I found out that his movie is based on a short story by Ethan Canin, “The Palace Thief”. Eventhough in the end, Mr. Hundert felt he has fail as a teacher, he says his other students taught him back. While watching the movie, I really think Mr Bell is such a spoilt brat and a nuisance. I admire how Mr Hundert managed to keep quiet and tolerate such a behavior although lucky Mr Hundert made it a point not to let Mr Bell win by cheating in the “Mr. Julius Caesar”. It is such a pity that even after 25 years; Mr Bell still had the guts to cheat in the rematch of “Mr. Julius Caesar”. However, eventhough the final three participants was not suppose to be Mr. Bell but instead Mr. Blythe, I would say that Mr. Bell did not do wrong by providing a chance to Mr Bell to show that he has talent. Mr. Bell only did not see that opportunity coming and did not make full use of it. One thing that I have learnt from this movie is that as a teacher if we cannot change one person for the better, there are many others that we have changed and over the time, there are many more people that we can change.
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009
Research Paper Outline…
Worth watching “FREEDOM WRITERS”
Asking students to write journals on what they want is a real good idea and I would say it is one effective way to learn more about your students. Using this method enables students to freely express their feelings that have been trapped in them. That’s why it is called Freedom Writers! I remember in lower secondary school, my English teacher asked us to write a journal once a week. Exactly like in the movie, it was kept private. Only my teacher will read the journal and leave some comments and encouragement.
All those out there who are going to be teachers and who are already teachers go and watch this movie “Freedom Writers”. There is a lot to learn in one movie.
Friday, February 27, 2009
"The Long Walk To Freedom"
Using autobiography in class is effective and interesting. Students might get bored over the time just reading literature and their text books. Therefore by using autobiography, it will capture students attention because it is something different that what they everyday learn. In addition since this kind of text is referential, students would not face much trouble in understanding the meaning/message/idea in the text. Just by reading an autobiography in class, students will be able to understand and have an idea about a person, their beliefs, their point of view; their experiences as well as it can inspire students.
Marginalised Literature
Sacrifice or Love?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Movie “The Road Home”
First meeting with my supervisor
Metaphor of me....
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The first paragraph of the position paper
Friday, January 23, 2009
Everyone was to show their thesis statement in class during turorial. While waiting for my turn, I was re-reading my thesis statement over and over again to make sure it’s well stated and most important Mr. Omit said it has to be our own opinion. Many of my classmates’ thesis statement were rejected and some needed to rephrase their thesis statement. This made me even more nervous and worried what if my thesis statement is rejected. I think only half the class managed to read their thesis statement and class was over. Now we will be having our one week Chinese New Year and I cannot start on my position paper until my thesis statement is approved. Just before Mr. Omit can leave the class, many of us went and showed our thesis statement to him. Big smile for me J .My thesis statement on "Wuthering Heights" was approved. However, he told me to make the sentence simpler with no bombastic language. So I rephrase the thesis statement and showed him which he said it is much clear and a good thesis statement.
Well now during the holidays, I have to think of 5 points to support my thesis statement as well as the evidence.
Thesis Statement???
'Thesis statement on anything we want"....That is tough because I have no idea on what to write on. ..It took me 3 long days to think on the thesis staments I want to write. And its not just 1 thesis statement but 5 thesis statement. In the end, all my thesis statements were about myself and I was prepared to read it all out:)
However, during our tutorial, Mr Omit did not ask me to read my thesis statements. Majority of boys were chosen to read theirs. Then we were given a list of literature text that we can chose to work on for our position paper. I had already in mind on what text that I would like to work on since the first day of Dr Edwin's class as he mentioned that we can chose any literaty text we want (except The Awakening). But duirng our first tutorial with Mr omit, he said that we can only chose the text that he will give later on. Because of this, I had to wait and could not start on my position paper as I planned earlier. So like I mentioned just now, we were copying a list of literary texts in class when Mr Omit said we can use any of the literary text listed by him or any text that want to....All I can say is lucky me, I can work on the literature text that I had in mind much earlier that is "Wuthering Heights". Well all the best on my thesis statement on this text as Mr Omit wants to see our thesis statement next class.
Friday, January 16, 2009
First Tutorial......
As the beginning he gave us many examples of a thesis statement so we will have an idea of what we are suppose to do. Then he asked us to write our own thesis stamen about UPM. Many came up with funny thesis statements. At first I did not want to read my thesis statement as I thought it will be wrong but then again if I do not try making a thesis statement now how the hell am I going to do my position paper. So I read my thesis statement and by luck it was ok as he said it is a good thesis statement however not in the context of just UPM but all Universities.
Well it’s time to start with the position paper but just waiting for the list of literature text that we can choose from. Hopefully that it’s the text that I enjoy like “Wuthering Heights”, “Great Expectations” or “30 Days of September”.
What is it about “The Fall of Icarus”?

Look at the painting and you might just see what I saw at first; a boy drowning with one of his leg still on the surface of the water. But that is not actually what the whole painting is about. Think big and look at the whole picture. You will realise that nobody is bothered or realises what’s going on around then. Someone just fell from the sky and nobody even cares. Well all I can say is take the risk and pay the price if something goes wrong or just hang about to your boring and dull lifestyle which is risk free.
Reading Mahabharata which I thought that I have to read between the tines turned out to be just straightforward story of a son sacrificing for his father. Was it sacrifice or for love? I am still thinkingJ
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Literature being Representational
Today I read Daedalus and Icarus. It seems like a fairy tale story with no happily ever after. A man flying with feathers waxed together? By the way who fly’s to the sun? Well I will have to wait for Dr. Edwin’s class next week to find out that is so interesting about falling down from the sky, and having a painted picture and poem about it? On the other hand, I have to say it is still an interesting piece of Literature.
The Very First Day
The first day of
“The Son Of The Turtle-Spirit” is rather an interesting story from the beginning that I didn’t even stop when reading. However, I do not like the ending of the story. I was hoping for something interesting like the boy(son of the turtle man) would turn into a dragon headed turtle after putting his father’s bones into the dragon’s mouth. Then it would make the story even more interesting :) Or could it be I am missing the actual hidden meaning of the story.